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Which Dog Toys Do Veterinarians Recommend?
Not all dog toys are created equal. In fact, some toys for dogs can actually be dangerous for them to play with and chew on. It's our responsibility as dog owners to provide our pets with safe, healthy chews to aid in dental health, jaw strength and to satisfy their natural instinct to chew.
As with the other decisions you make for your dog, do plenty of research and consult with professionals and other dog owners when choosing appropriate dog toys. Whats right for your neighbors dog isnt necessarily going to befor your dog. Vets are the best people to ask about this, but which dog toys do veterinarians recommend most often?
They are going to have a toy preference the same way that children have toy preferences. Once you determine their favorites, you can adjust your selection and your budget accordingly for the toys that entertain your pet. Dr. Mark Stickney, DVM (source)
You can always ask your vet for specific recommendations, or visit any number of forums online to ask others with similar dogs which toys they prefer. It'll be a process of trial and error, but as long as you follow these basic guidelines, you should be able to avoid anything disastrous on your quest to find the perfect dog toys for your pet companion.
READ ALSO:5 Best Dog Toys Made in America
Which Dog Toys Do Veterinarians Recommend?
Dog Toys toAVOID
As with dog foods and treats, it is sometimes easiest to talk about what is recommended by starting off with what is not recommended and what you should avoid altogether.
Knowing what's not safe or healthy for your dog when shopping for dog toys can help you better understand why the alternatives are so highly favored and what to look for. Itcan also help you avoid unknowingly putting your dog in potentially dangerous situations.
No pet toy is indestructible. Some pets are much more destructive. In fact, the destruction is much of the fun for most dogs and some cats. Its a little bit of buyer beware. Dr. Katherine Miller, PhD (source)
There are severalhard rules to follow when remembering which dog toys to avoid getting for your dog, all of these oftenrecommended by many veterinarians.
1. A dog toy must be soft enough toindent it with your thumbnail
Dog toys, specifically bones, which are harder than this risk breaking your dogs teeth.
Vets oftentimes see the giant premolar as the main dental casualty in the dog-on-bone battle. This tooth is full of nerves, costly to repair, and greatly missed by dogs who must have it removed.
2.Dog toys must not be able to be torn apart
Your dog should not be able to disembowel, shred, or ingest bits of his doggy toy.
Many inappropriate puppy toys contain squeakers, fake eyeballs and other small bits which can easily cause choking or intestinal obstruction.
3. The dog toy must be bigger than the dogs mouth
One of the first things to pay attention to is the size of dog toys. If a toy can comfortably fit inside the dogs mouth, it instantly becomes a choking hazard.
This is especially true for dogs playing or running around with toys in their mouths. You should also pay attention to this when looking for the best puppy toys.
4. Avoid anything which could contain Salmonella
When it comes to dog chew toys, a new level of risk opens up. Studies have also shown that certain unsafe dog toys (usually Chinese) expose dogs to many harmful substances.
This is a highly debated territory, but it is better to err on the side of caution. For example, dog chews containing rawhide can possibly contain Salmonella or E. coli.
Besides that, they can cause digestion issues in some dogs. For these reasons,they are best avoided. Pig ears, cow knuckles and the like are best avoided, for the same reasons. Bully sticks for dogs are normally the best alternative if you're looking for a safe chew.
Be careful with compressed chews. Edible treats such as rawhide chews can help with dental health. But some dogs, especially aggressive chewers, consume them too quickly or may swallow pieces whole. Dr.Amy Flowers, DVM (source)
5. Avoid rope toys for dogs
Another option which is not favored among medical professionals are rope dog toys.
Why? Because they can easily be torn apart by motivated dogs. When they wind up in the stomach and intestinal tract, surgery oftentimes follows. The risk of surgery or even death is simply not worth the small benefit of giving your dog amusement for a few hours.
RELATED:3 Types of Most Unsafe Dog Toys for Puppies
1. Rawhide alternatives
As stated, dog rawhide chews are generally discouraged by vets for many reasons.
But, if you and your dog are both fans of them, there are plenty of good alternatives to rawhide chews. One of the most popular and best alternatives are bully sticks for dogs. They are decontaminated and contain additional plaque fighting ingredients.
2. Natural antler chews
Though processed, commercial bones for dogs are generally discouraged by vets.
Agood option all-around for dogs who are NOT aggressive chewers is antler chews. Most antler chews for dogs are made from naturally shed deer antlers, so they are cruelty-free and environmentally friendly, and are one of the most popular chews for dogs.
They are also much harder than processed bones, so you can feel confident that small pieces wont break off and cause injury. They are long-lasting, and are excellent for dogs who have severe and numerous allergies to other materials.
3. KONG dog toys
KONG has a proven track record of the best dog toys that are excellent long-term options.
Most KONG dog toys are tough, so they stand up to dogs with strong jaws, particularly these five best KONG toys. They are made to be stuffed with treats, wet food, and peanut butter. This means KONG toyscan effectively keep your dog busy for hours, day after day.
4. Nylabone dog toys
Nylabone dog toys are just like real bones for dogs, but not so hard that they stand to break your dogs teeth.They'redurable and do not tend to break off into shards.
Nylabone dog chews are specifically made for pups who chew through most other toys. If your dog does manage to crack pieces off of a Nylabone though, you should take it away.
5. Greenies dog treats
Greenies are one of the best dental dog treats but they are so durable that they double up as dog toys, keeping petsoccupied for long periods of time while cleaning their teeth.
Greenies dog treats were once frowned upon by the veterinary community for being known to cause intestinal obstructions. However, the company underwent reformulation of their products and are now much safer and easier for dogs to digest.
6. Puzzle toys for dogs
Dogslike a good challengeand need something to keep their brains stimulated.
Puzzle dog toys, like the ones created by Nina Ottosson whom we've interviewed before,can keep dogs occupied for hours and provide them with enough mental stimulation to get tired out.
Check out the our review of Nina Ottoson's puzzle dog toys to see how they work.
By supplying your pet with puzzle toys, you can ensure that he wont get bored and will refrain from participating in the usual destructive behaviors oftentimes exhibited by bored, under-stimulated dogs. Mental stimulation is extremely important for dogs.
READ NEXT:15 Best Cheap Chew Toys for Dogs Under $10
Veterinarians Guide on Flea Collars for Dogs
Fleas have been a nuisance to dogs and their human companions for millennia. In the last 50 years, flea control has become much more effective and convenient, with a wide variety of products. Sprays, topicals, pills, and flea collars for dogs have all been developed to wage war on this ancient parasite.
With so many options, pet owners are often confused about which are the best flea treatments for dogs, how they differ, and how to pick the right one for their pooch. In this article, I will walk you through the most popular choice, the flea collar for dogs, what you should know about these products, and how to shop for the right one.
ALSO READ: TheBest Flea Collars for Dogs
Meet the Flea
To understand how flea collars for dogs work, it's important that you know your and your dog's most infamous enemy: the flea.
The dog flea (Ctenocephalides canis) lives off the blood of dogs. Adult female fleas lay eggs on the animal or in the surrounding environment where the dog lives. The eggs then hatch into larvae and then form pupae before becoming adults. Fleas have a very high rate of reproduction. Their lifespan is about 9 months. Fleas lay about 50 eggs per day.
This is why flea infestations can be very difficult to control.
Signs of a flea problem include increased scratching, hair loss, seeing live fleas on the dog, and observing flea dirt (looks like black pepper on the dog or where he sleeps). Most commonly, flea infections start around the base of the tail. If you notice your dog chewing at the base of their tail, pick up a flea comb fleas may be the culprit.
Here's what a flea infestation might look like:
Flea infestations or even a few flea bites on a dog can cause serious health issues. Dogs can become allergic to the fleas saliva, making just a few bites extremely uncomfortable and itchy. Dogs frequently lose and damage their hair and skin from scratching, predisposing them to secondary bacterial and yeast infections. Other types of worms and parasites may infect the dog. Tapeworms, such as Dipylidium caninum, infect the dog after the dog ingests a flea carrying the tapeworm cysticercoid.
Beat the Flea with Flea Prevention
The key to proper flea prevention is to break the fleas life cycle in as many places as possible, as demonstrated in several studies. Killing only the adults will not prevent more adults from developing from the egg, larval, or pupal stages. This is where flea collars for dogs will come in handy and have been scientifically proven to be effective.
Many topical and oral insecticides, like flea pills currently available on the market, do this quite well, too. However, in severe infestations or outdoor settings, environmental control is needed. Finally, when you have a flea infestation at home, it also helps to eradicate them using other tools, such as electric flea traps and powders.
Different Flea Collar for Dogs Brands
A dog flea collar is made of durable plastics and contains specific insecticides. The insecticides that are used in both traditional and newer-generation flea collars for dog products vary widely. The best ones will break the fleas life cycle in multiple places, last for several months, and are safe for everyone in the household.
Remember that just like bacteria and viruses, fleas can develop resistance to insecticides over time, thus rendering those chemicals ineffective. The active ingredient in the flea collar for dogs is the key to how effective that collar will be, and new-generation collars are likely to have new insecticides, which will be more effective at killing fleas.
Let's take a look at some of the better-known dog flea collars, how they work, their active ingredients, and the advantages and disadvantages of each product.
New Generation Flea Collars
1. Shengkou Flea and Tick Collar
This collar stands out because it uses an all-natural formula to get rid of ticks and fleas. On top of that, it's cheaper compared to other popular brands, but it does not compromise quality. Its active ingredients include Citronella, Cinnamon, Garlic, Lemongrass, and Thyme oil. It leaves a non-greasy feeling, and it works on cats too!
Benefits of Scalibor dog flea collars:
- Effective for up to 12 months
- Water-resistant
- Easy to use
- Cost-effective
- No greasy residue
- Fresh citronella smell
- Can be purchased online or through your veterinarian
- One of the most effective flea dog collars out there
Disadvantages of Shengkou collars:
- The collar can become lost or broken, especially on outdoor dogs
- It may not be effective enough for dogs with flea bite allergy
- As with any collar, the collar can be chewed off potentially predisposing the pet to digestive upset or obstruction.
- Efficacy is decreased for dogs that wear the collar and swim regularly or are bathed frequently.
- Needs to be applied 1-2 weeks before tick exposure to work against ticks
2. Seresto(Bayer)Imidacloprid/Flumethrin Collars
Imidacloprid is an older but tried and true safe insecticide, first registered for use on animals in the European Union in 1997. It works by killing adult and larval fleas. It is distributed from the collar to the skin and hair follicles, with very small amounts being absorbed into the dogs body.
It is metabolized into inactive substances that are mainly eliminated in the dogs feces. These inactive metabolites do not appear to affect other insect species that may have contact with dog feces, including bees.
Flumethrin was first approved for use on companion animals in 1986. It has a long track record as a safe and effective insecticide for ticks and mites and is well-documented.
These two insecticides work together well, as most dogs need both flea and tick prevention while outdoors. Imidacloprid is also the active ingredient in the topical product Advantage, a well-known brand.
Benefits of using Seresto flea collar for dogs:
- Starts to repel and kill fleas within 24 hours of the initial application
- Repels and kills adult fleas, flea larvae, ticks, and lice and can treat sarcoptic mange infestations.
- Lasts for 8 months
- Non-greasy
- No odor
- Convenient to use
- Safe for cats in the household (but not to be used on cats)
- Safe for puppies over 7 weeks of age
- Water-resistant (good for baths once a month and occasional swimming); if your dog is bathed more often than once a month or swims frequently, remove the flea collar to retain its potency.
- Trusted and Recommended by Veterinarians
- Can be purchased online or through your veterinarian
Disadvantages of Seresto collars:
- Use caution in households with children. Do not allow children to touch or play with the collar
- The collar can become lost or broken, especially on outdoor dogs
- It may not be effective enough for dogs with flea bite allergy
- It may not be effective in areas of the southeastern United States or where the flea burden is high
- As with any collar, the collar can be chewed off potentially predisposing the pet to digestive upset or obstruction.
- Efficacy is decreased for dogs that wear the collar and swim regularly or are bathed frequently.
- Needs to be applied 48 hours before tick exposure for maximum efficacy
3. Generic Deltamethrin-containing Collars
Several non-name-brand deltamethrin flea collars for dog products are available to buy over the counter. These boast 6-month protection, similar to that of Scalibor collars (above), and most veterinarians recommend them.
Brands include:
Traditional Flea Collars for Dogs
Typically, traditional flea collars for dogs, like the Zodiac Flea and Tick Collar, use older insecticides that fleas may have developed resistance to over time. Newer generations of flea collars described above are generally safer and more effective than older-style dog flea collars.
Most traditional flea collars all contain the same active ingredient: tetrachlorvinphos (TCVP). The TCVP active ingredientis an insecticide that kills both fleas and ticks. It was first registered for use in 1966.
Examples of traditional flea collars for dogs include:
Advantages of TCVP dog flea collars:
- Ease of application
- Works well in areas with low flea burden
- Much less expensive than collars made by Bayer or Merck
- It can be purchased at grocery stores, pet stores, or online
Disadvantages of TCVP dog flea collars:
- As with all flea collars, use with caution in households with children. Do not allow children to touch or play with the collar
- Do not use it on old or debilitated animals. A warning is on the product packaging
- Foul odor
- Does not work for very long. Hartz reports that the collar works for 7 months, but typically, consumers note it lasts maybe a month or two.
- Some customer reports that the collar is not working at all.
- Typically, it is not vet-recommended due to foul odor and lack of long-term efficacy.
ALSO READ: The 50 Best Flea Treatments for Dogs (as chosen by pet owners)
General Concerns Regarding Flea Collars
Do flea collars cause cancer?
The best answer to this is we dont know. The science is still unclear on this subject, and there's no conclusive evidence one way or another.
Many things can predispose an animal to develop cancer including sunlight. Certain chemicals are known carcinogens. So far, the insecticides that are used in flea collars for dogs are not known carcinogens.
Do flea collars kill cats?
Dog-specific flea collars can potentially kill or at least make cats very sick. Certain insecticides, called pyrethrins, are especially toxic to cats. Pyrethrins are primarily used in dog tick collars. Never use a flea or tick collar labeled for dogs on a cat. When a flea collar for dogs is safe to use around cats (not on cats!), it will usually say so on the package.
Could my dog be allergic to a flea collar?
It is possible for dogs to be allergic to the plastic or active ingredient in the flea collar. If your dog is allergic to topical products that are applied to the skin, be wary about using a flea collar. Talk to your veterinarian about an oral flea preventative instead of using a flea collar for dogs.
What are the health concerns regarding flea collars, insecticides, and human contact?
Scientists are still figuring this one out. If you are concerned about how harmful these substances might be to human health, the EPAs website is a great resource to get the most up-to-date information.